So there’s a natural challenge when you try to reinvent one of these classic characters. It doesn’t matter how poorly Superman Returns was received or if he renounces his US citizenship, he will always be in our minds the defender of truth, justice, and the American way. Names like Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Green Lantern survive past their various incarnations and take a place in the collective pop culture zeitgeist. That being said, classic comics have never been about the individual story arcs, but the iconic characters. Hell, The Walking Dead might be really long, but at least there’s an “Issue 1” for me to pick up that isn’t from the 1940’s.

There are so many alternate timelines, correlated series, offshoot projects, and little nuances to absorb that I never even figured out where the door was to get my foot into.

It’s exactly the same kind of overload that made it impossible for me to get into DC comics. Between the New 52 reboot, the CW “Arrowverse,” the new Justice League cinematic universe, the Nolan Batman run, associated side projects like Suicide Squad, and various failed stand-alone projects like The Green Lantern, keeping up with what is canon is incredibly confusing for casual consumers. There’s something poetic about the current state of the DC universe.