Time of night : Support for Enable/Disable the Milkway.Time of night : Support for Enable/Disable the Meteor.Time of night : Support for brightness change of all stars.Time of night : Support for color change of all stars.Time of day : Support for more advanced settings (see Time of day.conf).Time of day : Improved Quality of cloud (preview).AtmosphericFog : Support for Better fog.Bloom : Support for larger range (preview).download blender_mmd_tools for addUV import/export. Materials : Occlusion maps can be fetched from the second UV set.Removed DepthMap tab and now cannot support the cast shadows on the skydome.Removed SphereFog, but you can put a light source in MMD and assign a fx from its 'fog.fx' to the FogMap tab.

Material : Optimize and improve the gbuffer.Latest changes - Major allocator changes: StereoImage - v1.0.0 (zip) (updated: 2.Dec 2017, ) (New, Add support for dirt map) LightBloom - v1.1.1 (zip) (updated: 2.ColorGrading - v1.0.0 (zip) (updated: 2.