This reward trait is dynamic, so you, and your sim, will never feel limited in your future endeavors – it helps in everything from social gatherings to completing homework. The Focused emotion will make activities related to computing and handiness easier and make gaining the logic skill easier. When your sim grows up, the Confident emotion will help them with social interactions and building their charisma skill. Sims who achieve this aspiration are gifted with the Headstrong trait, which helps them remain in either a Focused or Confident mood for more extended periods. RELATED: The Sims 4: All Infant Traits And What They Mean Of course, you'll need an adult to complete that milestone. Generally, this is an aspiration that can be completed without other sims, except for learning to ride a bike. In addition, this aspiration fosters confidence and teaches your sim to avoid negative moodlets. As its name suggests, this aspiration is focused on building your sim's mental and motor skills through activities like playing in the jungle gym, experimenting with their chemistry set, and learning to ride a bicycle. Some people are ambitious, even in their youth, and the Mind and Body aspiration reflects that. If your little sim is destined for a charisma-oriented career that benefits from large social functions, this is an excellent reward trait to strive for. The ultimate reward is the Practice Host trait, which makes hosting social gatherings a breezier affair throughout your sim's life – no need to stress endlessly about achieving a "good" party rating when your sim is already an experienced host. It's not enough, however, to just host a gold-starred slumber party – though that is one of the requirements – you must focus on building your skills to complete the aspiration.

Besides, you already made this awesome friendship bracelet, and it would be a shame if no one ever got to show it off on their wrist. This aspiration is focused on developing your sim's creative and social skills, emphasizing building lasting friendships through hosting. Sleepovers have always been an option for your sim kids, but now they can host full-on slumber parties, complete with spooky stories and sleeping bags huddled together in the living room.